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 Virgin Atlantic Flight with kids

01 | ¿ø¹®
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard this Virgin Atlantic flight. We now have a little announcement and we please ask you to give your full attention or you may be sent to the naughty step.

On behalf of our captain, who¡¯s is a nice man with a funny beard, we'd like to welcome all parents aboard this 13-hour-flight.

Boy: Yes, 13 hours!

Although you may not want to, you must stay with your children at all times. To prevent you losing your sanity or getting grumpy looks from the passengers sat around you, whose heart sank when you sat near them, please help yourself to one of our goodie bags for kids. These will have automatically dropped from the hands of one of our cabin crew into your grateful hands as we boarded the plane.

As part of our in-flight meal service, we offer a special kids meal including all the stuff they love to eat like dinosaur pasta, yoghurt tubes and fruits with raisins.

You can book these online up to 48-hours advance. Parents who forgot to pre-book the kid¡¯s meal are situated here
and here. Parents who remembered to pre-booked the kid¡¯s meal, you may congratulate yourselves now.

In case of an unexpected turbulence from your children, our entertainment systems have a dedicated kids channel which will allow your kids to watch the same episode of Peppa Pig 47times in a row.

You can watch Peppa in a moment, Alex.

In the unlikely event of a complete tantrum, we suggest purchasing a few toys or books before boarding the plane as a surprise present in the overhead lockers and brought down during the journey. Parents who did that are situated here and here. And we'd like to congratulate them with making all the other parents feel inadequate.

Finally, parents, remember you're not alone. Our cabin crew will provide you with endless amounts of encouragement and supportive smiles as your children run up and down the aisle. We hope you enjoy your flight with Virgin Atlantic and hope to be there in approximately 35 ¡°Are we there yet?¡±
Thank you and enjoy your holiday.

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* aboard : (¹è,±âÂ÷,ºñÇà±â µî¿¡) ž½Â
* announcement : ¹ßÇ¥(³»¿ë), ¼Ò½Ä
* captain : (Ç×°ø±âÀÇ)±âÀå
* beard : (ÅÎ)¼ö¿°
* prevent : (~¸¦)¸·´Ù[¹æÁö/¿¹¹æÇÏ´Ù]
* sanity : ¿ÂÀüÇÑ Á¤½Å(»óÅÂ)
* grumpy : ¼º°ÝÀÌ ³ª»Û
* situate : (¾î¶² À§Ä¡¿¡)Áþ´Ù, À§Ä¡½ÃÅ°´Ù
* unexpected : ¿¹±âÄ¡¾ÊÀº, ¶æ¹ÛÀÇ
* turbulence : (°ø±âÀÇ)³­·ù, ³­±â·ù
* purchase : ±¸ÀÔ, ±¸ÀÔÇÏ´Ù
* tantrum : (ƯÈ÷ ¾Æ´Ï°¡ ¹ß²ö)¼ºÁúÀº ºÎ¸², Â¥ÁõÀ»³¿
* remember : ±â¾ïÇÏ´Ù
* provide : Á¦°ø[°ø±Þ]ÇÏ´Ù
* encouragement : °Ý·Á

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